Crater island Seed Map

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Crater island Seed Map

Minecraft Seed Map: 162712994

This is a large starting island with a single village in the middle of a giant crater. Although some people think climbing and climbing down the mountain that makes up this island is truly a challenge, this is the perfect place to build an evil lair.

Of course, you can use it to create a safe base with lots of resources and the opportunity to build an elevated house. Don’t forget to find buried treasure in this place. You have more than 50 treasures to hunt for.

Location coordinates:

  • Village: -296 200
  • Ruins Gate: -600 24
  • Shipwreck: 248 104
  • Buried treasure: -56 -56
  • Buried treasure: -56 24

Seed Minecraft is a series of codes created for game players to explore and build. Seed Minecraft PE is extremely diverse, so Download will introduce you to beautiful Minecraft PE seed codes for a more interesting game experience.

How to use seeds in Minecraft PE?

  • Go to Create New World > Game Settings
  • Copy one of the seed codes listed below and paste it in the Seed field.